
About me!

Helllooooo! My name is Anna Bullock and I have a passion for animals :)
I'm currently 15 and a freshmen in highschool in Kentucky. To get a headstart in my vet career, i am in an Agriscience class and the awesome club FFA! its so fun and a great learning experience for your future. If you are also wanting to be a veterinarian, i recommend FFA and 4H :)
In the upcoming year, when I am a sophomore, i'm taking a veterinary science class which im so excited about! on this blog i will be taking you through my journey to veterinary school and on to be a veterinarian, so I hope you enjoy it and that i keep up with it till my life REALLY starts. :)

Friday, April 26


AMVA Veterinary Specialists the most interesting,for me, is dentistry, dermatology, and exotic companion mammal practice :) guinea pigs!!

Thursday, April 25

I'm so confused!

Right now I want to be a veterinarian that specializes in dentistry and exotic animals; but I also want to have the ability to groom pets and trains pets and even maybe babysit pets, but those are all totally different jobs D: What should I dooo?? Lol maybe ill start a pet sitting business while I'm still a teenager :)

Interesting :3

Tuesday, April 23

Random Thought

I love researching stuff about veterinarians c: especially during school because it gives me motivation!